Thursday, 9 February 2017

Is your business a SERVICES SETA skills levy payer?

The current SERVICES SETA funding window is now open for all NON-SERVICES SETA qualification.

This means that you can apply for 2017-2018 learnership funding for qualifications outside of the
 SERVICES SETA ETQA, i.e. if your business is a Call Centre and the business pays the skills levy to the SERVICES SETA and there is a requirement to run a FETC: Short Term Insurance Qualification Level 4 or FETC: Debt Recovery Qualification Level 4 as this aligns to your business divisions, this is the opportunity to apply for the learnership funding.
Intelligo Solutions will assist you in your applications (terms & conditions applicable)

Call our offices on 011 234 6251 or email, for more information, quotes and SERVICES SETA funding applications.